The Bible is like the ocean: shallow enough for a child to play safely but so deep scholars can never reach its depths.
This book presents an comprehensive view of Old Testament history as a foundation for reading in context and continued study. It provides three high-level overviews as well as more detailed perspectives, including events, books, and characters divided into eight time periods. Using a literal interpretation of the scriptures, the central theme of the Bible (God building His kingdom) unveils from the two-part promise made to a man: (1) "I will make of you a great nation" and (2) "in you all of the families of the earth shall be blessed," setting the stage for the Nativity.
The book includes the following sections:
- Three Overviews:
- One-Page History of the entire Old Testament
- Biblical Timeline, including other world events in context
- Simple Biblical Geography
- Eight Time Periods:
- Introduction
- Abraham and Isaac
- Jacob and Joseph
- Moses
- Joshua and the Judges
- Samuel, Saul, and David
- Solomon through the Captivity
- Restoration and 400 Years of Biblical Silence
- An Epilogue with twenty sections highlighting overarching lessons, including idolatry, the high places, the heart, a loving God, and the characteristics of God, among others.
- An Appendix includes the differences in the four primary versions of the Old Testament, a BC timeline, and the lineage of Jesus, among others.
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